Thursday, March 31, 2011

Camp Wood--Vanderpool--Kerrville

The ride from Camp Wood to Vanderpool was only 39 miles, but with 3 major climbs it was a real challenge for me. But enjoyable! We are definitely in the Texas hill country now. It reminds me a lot of last year's ride across northern PA, except for the chip seal road surface here. We stayed at a place with rather rustic but comfortable cabins along the Sabinal River, with a dam to provide a nice swimming area.  They also had a number of bird feeders, and some of us spent a good part of the afternoon sitting on the office porch, sipping beverages, and watching the hummingbirds dart for the feeder then back to the trees. They are amazing in their speed and their ability to stop almost instantaneously.

I should have mentioned earlier that the days of transition also brought a change in weather. We had 3 days of overcast skies from Del Rio to Vanderpool--such a change from the unending sun we had experienced all the way from San Diego. We even had a thunderstorm in Camp Wood in the evening after dinner and all the dishes washed.  Great timing.  Lise and I opened the door to our room and enjoyed the sound of the rain. We even had dew on the grass this morning, and now when we cross streams and rivers there is actually water flowing

Unfortunately, I have not been sleeping well the last 2 nights, so this morning I was really tired.  The ride into Kerrville was 49 miles with 2 big climbs.  I made it over the first one (walking my bike on the steepest parts) with a great downhill, but I just didn't have enough energy to continue.  I caught up with the van at the "apple place" in a smalltown that claims to be the apple capital of Texas some 24 miles from our starting point. The shop is known for its apple pie and other things apple.

We have a rest day here in Kerrville so by Saturday I should be ready to go again.  And my bike should be ready to go also.  It's in the local bike shop at present to replace a bolt shaken lose by all the rough road and tighten others, as well as replace the chain.  I feel like I am abusing my bike riding it on these roads.  The road this morning was especially bad as the surface was relatively new and had not yet been worn down in the tire tracks, plus it was poorly laid so that not only were we dealing with the vibration from riding on this stone but also the jolting from the spaces where the stones were missing.  Ugh!  Might not have seemed quite so bad if I hadn't been so tired.

Spring is definitely underway here--it was wonderful to see all the various shades of green on the mountainsides as we rode and occasional wildflowers as well.  The redbud are in bloom.  We also saw a herd of buffalo today. One group of riders was startled by 3 deer dashing across the road in front of them.

We are now halfway on our trip to Florida, and all the big climbs are behind us!

1 comment:

  1. Well I just can't imagine why you would be tired - you've only ridden a bike HALFWAY ACROSS THE COUNTRY!! Enjoy your day "off".
