Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day 3 D

What a ride today!  We started with a few miles of uphill to around 4000 ft.  Then we had 10 mile downhill on the shoulder of I-8. Wetwisted and turned thru mountains that were basically piles of boulders with sand and with winds buffeting us from different directions.  Really exilerating.  In constrast we then had a 20+ mile nearly flat ride across the Yuha desert below sea level.  Got to see the Border Guard patrolling by pickup and helicopter but didn' spot any illegals.  In fact almost nothing was moving in that heat except us silly cyclists. We finished the  day riding thru the Imperial Valley where they are using scarce water resources to grow hhay in the desert. i'm beat and dubious about the 89 mile ride tommorrow.  maybe I'll ride the sag wagon part way.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a doozy of a day! Wind is no fun, unpredictable wind even less so. Hope you get lots of rest tonight.
