Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Del Rio--Bracketville--Camp Wood

Just one more comment about the ride into Del Rio--although we descended from roughly 3,000 ft. to 1,000 ft., we actually climbed 3,200 ft. that day. The last part of the ride was thru the Amistad National Recreation Area and we continued to ride thru this area as we left Del Rio the next morning.  This is a huge reservoir formed by daming the Rio Grande, which has flooded all the nearby canyons and river valleys, and shared by the US and Mexico.

The two days after Del Rio represented a transition from the desert along the Rio Grande to the Texas Hill Country (looks more like mountains to me) with a noticeable change in topography and vegetation. On the way to Camp Wood we saw plowed farm land for the first time in a week.  We rarely see wild life but we know that it must be abundant because we see so much roadkill--mostly deer and skunks, but also oppossum, javelinas, a snake, and an armadillo. On the road to Camp Wood there was at least one deer carcass every mile and buzzards circling overhead continuously.  I did see a flock of wild turkeys and several scissor-tails.  The ranches appear to be getting smaller as the land gets more productive.  In Sanderson the average ranch is 25,000 acres.

I have to get off the computer.  I'll write more from Kerrville.

1 comment:

  1. It must be interesting to see the changes in environment at bike speed. There should be lots of spring flowers now that you are getting out of the desert. I am really enjoying reading about your experiences.
