The ride from Hammond to Bogalusa (55.2 mi) was mostly over quiet roads with rolling landscape with pine woods, cattle farms, and occasional towns and houses. Weather was good with only light winds. We continue to see lots of honeysuckle, purple verbena, and crimson clover to which were added some form of mint with a light blue flower and a black-eyed susan with foliage somewhat different from that in the DC area but the flowers look the same.
Today's ride started out fine and we quickly crossed the state line into Mississippi. We were all anxious to move quickly because the forcast was for strong winds, thunderstorms, and possibly hail in the afternoon. We were not far into Mississippi when we encountered the first road closed signs, but when we checked it out we were able to get thru by walking our bikes a short distance thru the construction area. But we hadn't much more than cleared that problem, when we encountered another "road closed" sign. This time we couldn't get thru and had to wait about 1/2 hour until our guide could find a suitable detour. By the time we had completed the detour (which really didn't take us out of our way), the wind had kicked up considerably and I decided to sag rather than fight the wind. Only did 27 of the 60 miles. In terms of terrain, etc. I can't see any difference from Louisiana.
Everyone made it to the hotel without more than a few drops of rain.
I am SOOOO happy to see you back online - blogspot was saying that your blog had been removed. As always I enjoy seeing the tour from your perspective and I keep learning things about flowers!